

Christopher Bryant Vélez Muñoz. He was born on November 23rd, 1995 in New Jersey, United States, and lived until he was 18 years old in Loja, Ecuador with his parents. He studied at the Educational Unit "La Salle" in Loja in which he graduated as Bachelor of the Republic of Ecuador. He spend his whole childhood with friends and family. His dream was always to be a singer. He had a YouTube channel were he used to post some covers that he recorded whit his cousin.  In 2014, Christopher had to emigrate to the United States to work and financially support his family, at that time he worked as a shoe cleaner, with that he paid his rent and managed to help his mother financially. He was the support of his family. His life in USA wasn't easy becuase he was alone there and he missed his family, he was not used to be alone and it was very difficult for him to migrate to United States.   At the age of 18 years old he auditioned for the program La Banda (American television